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Shekhar Tarare
Shekhar Tarare

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A Simple Guide to Destructuring in JavaScript: Learn with Easy Examples


JavaScript has a feature called destructuring that allows you to easily extract values from arrays or properties from objects and assign them to variables. Destructuring makes it easier to work with data, and it’s an essential tool for beginners learning JavaScript.
In this post, we’ll break down destructuring with super simple examples so you can understand it in no time.

What is Destructuring?

Imagine you have a box full of toys, and you want to take some toys out of the box and play with them. Instead of picking up each toy individually, destructuring allows you to grab the specific toys (or data) you need in one go!
In JavaScript, destructuring lets you unpack values from arrays or extract properties from objects into variables. It’s a clean and convenient way to handle data, especially when working with complex arrays or objects.

Destructuring Arrays

Let’s start with array destructuring. Arrays are like lists that hold multiple values, and destructuring allows you to take values from an array and assign them to variables in a single line of code.

Example 1: Basic Array Destructuring

let fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];
// Destructuring the array
let [fruit1, fruit2, fruit3] = fruits;
console.log(fruit1); // Output: apple
console.log(fruit2); // Output: banana
console.log(fruit3); // Output: orange
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In this example, we have an array called fruits, and we use destructuring to assign the values to fruit1, fruit2, and fruit3. Instead of accessing each element manually, destructuring lets us do it all at once!

Example 2: Skipping Array Elements
You can also skip elements in an array using destructuring. Let’s say you only want the first and third fruit from the fruits array.

let fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];
// Skipping the second element
let [fruit1, , fruit3] = fruits;
console.log(fruit1); // Output: apple
console.log(fruit3); // Output: orange
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Here, by leaving a blank space (just a comma) in the destructuring pattern, we skip the second element (banana) and go straight to orange.

Example 3: Default Values in Array Destructuring
What if the array doesn’t have enough elements? You can set default values to avoid getting undefined.

let colors = ['red'];
// Setting a default value for the second color
let [color1, color2 = 'blue'] = colors;
console.log(color1); // Output: red
console.log(color2); // Output: blue
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Since colors only has one element (red), the second variable (color2) gets the default value of ‘blue’.

Destructuring Objects

Now, let’s move on to object destructuring. Objects are like containers that store key-value pairs, and destructuring helps you pull out specific properties easily.

Example 4: Basic Object Destructuring

let person = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 30,
  job: 'developer'
// Destructuring the object
let { name, age, job } = person;
console.log(name); // Output: John
console.log(age);  // Output: 30
console.log(job);  // Output: developer
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Here, the person object has three properties: name, age, and job. Destructuring allows us to extract these properties into separate variables with the same names.

Example 5: Assigning to New Variable Names
What if you want to assign these properties to variables with different names? You can do that easily with object destructuring.

let car = {
  brand: 'Toyota',
  model: 'Corolla',
  year: 2020
// Assigning to new variable names
let { brand: carBrand, model: carModel, year: carYear } = car;
console.log(carBrand); // Output: Toyota
console.log(carModel); // Output: Corolla
console.log(carYear);  // Output: 2020
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In this example, we used brand: carBrand to assign the brand property to a new variable called carBrand, and similarly for model and year.

Example 6: Default Values in Object Destructuring
Just like with arrays, you can set default values when destructuring objects.

let student = {
  name: 'Alice'
// Setting default value for age
let { name, age = 18 } = student;
console.log(name); // Output: Alice
console.log(age);  // Output: 18 (since age wasn't in the object)
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Since the student object doesn’t have an age property, it defaults to 18.

Example 7: Nested Destructuring
Sometimes, objects can have other objects inside them. This is where nested destructuring comes in handy.

let user = {
  name: 'Bob',
  address: {
    city: 'New York',
    zip: 10001
// Destructuring nested object
let { name, address: { city, zip } } = user;
console.log(name);  // Output: Bob
console.log(city);  // Output: New York
console.log(zip);   // Output: 10001
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In this example, we not only destructured the name property but also the city and zip from the nested address object.

Why Use Destructuring?

  1. Cleaner Code: Destructuring allows you to write cleaner and more readable code.
  2. Easier Data Handling: It’s much easier to extract data from arrays and objects without needing to write a lot of repetitive code.
  3. Default Values: You can set default values for variables, which helps prevent errors when values are missing.


Destructuring is a powerful and simple feature in JavaScript that makes working with arrays and objects much easier. By using destructuring, you can write cleaner, more efficient code while saving time and reducing errors. Whether you’re a beginner or just learning JavaScript, destructuring is something you’ll use often in your coding journey.
Start experimenting with destructuring, and see how it can simplify your code! Happy coding!

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