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Matteo Bruni for tsParticles

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tsParticles 1.13.2

tsParticles 1.13.2

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • critical bugfix on shape override options

Some Pens of the new features

Polygon Mask with multiple paths

This polygon has 4 paths


This login background is made with particles emitters, cool isn't it?


Have you ever wanted a black hole? Here's yours!


The collisions in the previous releases, and in Particles.js too, were horrible. Now they're fixed and they look good. Finally!

Twinkle effect

Particles twinkling

Preset repositories

Shape repositories

Custom Shapes and Presets

tsParticles now supports some customizations πŸ₯³.


Creating a custom shape

You can now create a script with your own shape to use in your website or for distributing it to others. All you have to do is a drawing function, give it a name and use it in the config.

Publish your shapes with tsparticles-shape tag on NPM so everyone can find it.

You'll find a sample below.

Spiral sample

spiral.js - The custom shape script, you can distribute it or reuse in all your websites.

// call this method before initializing tsParticles, this shape will be available in all of your tsParticles instances
// parameters: shape name, drawing method
// opacity is for shapes that can't handle the color opacity like images
tsParticles.addShape("spiral", function(context, particle, radius, opacity) {
  const shapeData = particle.shapeData;
  const realWidth = (radius - shapeData.innerRadius) / shapeData.lineSpacing;

  for (let i = 0; i < realWidth * 10; i++) {
    const angle = 0.1 * i;
    const x =
      (shapeData.innerRadius + shapeData.lineSpacing * angle) * Math.cos(angle);
    const y =
      (shapeData.innerRadius + shapeData.lineSpacing * angle) * Math.sin(angle);

    context.lineTo(x, y);
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If you prefer using classes you can, IShapeDrawer interface can be implemented in your code or at least a class with a method draw(context, particle, radius) in it. You can find a sample below.

class SpiralDrawer {
  draw(context, particle, radius, opacity) {
    const shapeData = particle.shapeData;
    const realWidth = (radius - shapeData.innerRadius) / shapeData.lineSpacing;

    for (let i = 0; i < realWidth * 10; i++) {
      const angle = 0.1 * i;
      const x =
        (shapeData.innerRadius + shapeData.lineSpacing * angle) *
      const y =
        (shapeData.innerRadius + shapeData.lineSpacing * angle) *

      context.lineTo(x, y);

// call this method before initializing tsParticles, this shape will be available in all of your tsParticles instances
// parameters: shape name, drawer class
tsParticles.addShape("spiral", new SpiralDrawer());
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config.json - The config section to add to your config or in your plugin readme to teach others on how to use it.

  // [... omitted for brevity]
  "particles": {
    // [... omitted for brevity]
    "shape": {
      "type": "spiral", // this must match the name above, the type works as always, you can use an array with your custom shape inside
      "custom": {
        // this must match the name above, these are the values set in particle.shapeData (the first line of the method above)
        // you can use array as value here too, the values will be random picked, like in standard shapes
        "spiral": {
          "innerRadius": 1,
          "lineSpacing": 1,
          "close": false, // this value is used by tsParticles to close the path, if you don't want to close it set this value to false
          "fill": false // this value is used by tsParticles to fill the shape with the particles color, if you want only the stroke set this value to false
      // [... omitted for brevity]
    // [... omitted for brevity]
  // [... omitted for brevity]
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Creating a custom preset

You can now create a script with your own preset to use in your website or for distributing it to others. All you have to do is give it a name and set all the options you need it to load correctly. Remember to not import all config, properties not needed can be omitted.

Publish your preset with tsparticles-preset tag on NPM so everyone can find it.

You'll find a sample below.

Fire preset sample

fire.preset.js - The custom preset script, you can distribute it or reuse in all your websites.

// call this method before initializing tsParticles, this preset will be available in all of your tsParticles instances
// parameters: preset name, preset partial options
tsParticles.addPreset("fire", {
  fpsLimit: 40,
  particles: {
    number: {
      value: 80,
      density: {
        enable: true,
        value_area: 800
    color: {
      value: ["#fdcf58", "#757676", "#f27d0c", "#800909", "#f07f13"]
    opacity: {
      value: 0.5,
      random: true
    size: {
      value: 3,
      random: true
    move: {
      enable: true,
      speed: 6,
      random: false
  interactivity: {
    events: {
      onclick: {
        enable: true,
        mode: "push"
      resize: true
  background: {
    image: "radial-gradient(#4a0000, #000)"
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config.json - The config section to add to your config or in your plugin readme to teach others on how to use it.

  "preset": "fire" // this should match the name above, it can be used in array values too, it will be loaded in order like everyone else
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Want to integrate in React.js?

react-particles-js now uses tsParticles as core library.

You can read more informations here:

Useful links

Checkout the demo here:

Do you want to replace the old, outdated and abandoned particles.js?
You're in the right place!

GitHub repo





Feel free to contribute to the project!


Here are some demos!

Custom Presets

watch the code for creating custom presets

Custom Shapes

watch the code for creating custom shapes

Characters as particles

FontAwesome characters as particles:

Mouse hover connections

Polygon mask

Background Mask particles

COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 particles


COVID-19 is not funny. It's a serious world problem and we should prevent its spreading. If you are in a risky area please STAY AT HOME

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