My boss gave me another clue for part 2 of today's problem. I was planning on determining the number of sides by walking the perimeter and counting the turns, but I honestly didn't know how to account for sides formed by internal sections. He gave me the clue that the number of corners is the same as the number of sides.
It's much easier to figure out if something is a corner. For exterior corners, we just need two adjacent cells to be from different regions. And for interior corners, we need a diagonal cell to be from a different region while the two adjacent cells to the diagonal are from the same region.
The only other trick which took me a bit to get was realizing that I had to use a "flood" algorithm to get the regions. It wasn't as easy as just finding all the cells with the same letter because the letters are reused for different regions.
import gleam/int
import gleam/io
import gleam/list
import gleam/string
import gleam/pair
import gleam/set.{type Set}
import gleam/option.{Some, None}
import gleam/dict.{type Dict}
import simplifile as file
const example = "
pub fn main() {
let assert Ok(input) ="input")
let assert 1930 = part1(example)
let assert 1206 = part2(example)
part1(input) |> int.to_string |> io.println
part2(input) |> int.to_string |> io.println
type Coord = #(Int, Int)
type Garden = Dict(Coord, String)
type Cost = Dict(Coord, #(Int, Int))
fn parse_input(input: String) -> Garden {
|> string.trim
|> string.split("\n")
|> list.index_fold(, fn(garden, line, x) {
|> string.to_graphemes
|> list.index_fold(garden, fn(acc, plot, y) {
dict.insert(acc, #(x, y), plot)
fn fences(garden: Garden, coord: Coord) -> Int {
let assert Ok(plot) = dict.get(garden, coord)
let #(x, y) = coord
[#(x - 1, y), #(x + 1, y), #(x, y - 1), #(x, y + 1)]
|> list.fold(0, fn(acc, c) {
case dict.get(garden, c) {
Ok(neighbor) if neighbor == plot -> acc
_ -> acc + 1
fn explore_region(garden: Garden, coord: Coord, visited: Set(Coord)) -> Set(Coord) {
let assert Ok(plot) = dict.get(garden, coord)
let visited = set.insert(visited, coord)
let #(x, y) = coord
[#(x - 1, y), #(x + 1, y), #(x, y - 1), #(x, y + 1)]
|> list.filter(fn(c) {
case dict.get(garden, c) {
Ok(neighbor) if neighbor == plot -> !set.contains(visited, c)
_ -> False
|> list.fold(visited, fn(acc, c) {
set.union(acc, explore_region(garden, c, acc))
fn plot_dimensions(garden: Garden) {
dict.fold(garden, #(,, fn(acc, coord, _) {
let #(regions, visited) = acc
case set.contains(visited, coord) {
True -> #(regions, visited)
False -> {
let region = explore_region(garden, coord,
let dimensions =
set.fold(region, #(0, 0), fn(acc, c) {
let #(area, perimeter) = acc
#(area + 1, perimeter + fences(garden, c))
#(dict.insert(regions, coord, dimensions), set.union(visited, region))
|> pair.first
fn part1(input: String) -> Int {
|> parse_input()
|> plot_dimensions()
|> dict.values()
|> list.fold(0, fn(acc, dimensions) {
let #(area, perimeter) = dimensions
acc + area * perimeter
fn corners(region: Set(Coord), coord: Coord) -> Int {
let #(x, y) = coord
let top = set.contains(region, #(x - 1, y))
let bottom = set.contains(region, #(x + 1, y))
let left = set.contains(region, #(x, y - 1))
let right = set.contains(region, #(x, y + 1))
let top_left = set.contains(region, #(x - 1, y - 1))
let top_right = set.contains(region, #(x - 1, y + 1))
let bottom_left = set.contains(region, #(x + 1, y - 1))
let bottom_right = set.contains(region, #(x + 1, y + 1))
let adjacent = [#(top, right), #(bottom, right), #(bottom, left), #(top, left)]
let exterior =
list.fold(adjacent, 0, fn(count, pair) {
case pair {
#(False, False) -> count + 1
_ -> count
let interior =
|>[top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left, top_left])
|> list.fold(0, fn(count, pair) {
case pair {
#(#(True, True), False) -> count + 1
_ -> count
exterior + interior
fn plot_shapes(garden: Garden) {
dict.fold(garden, #(,, fn(acc, coord, plot) {
let #(regions, visited) = acc
case set.contains(visited, coord) {
True -> #(regions, visited)
False -> {
let region = explore_region(garden, coord,
let dimensions =
set.fold(region, #(0, 0), fn(acc, c) {
let #(area, sides) = acc
#(area + 1, sides + corners(region, c))
#(dict.insert(regions, coord, dimensions), set.union(visited, region))
|> pair.first
fn part2(input: String) -> Int {
|> parse_input()
|> plot_shapes()
|> dict.values()
|> list.fold(0, fn(acc, dimensions) {
let #(area, side) = dimensions
acc + area * side
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