
Gabor Szabo
Gabor Szabo

Posted on • Originally published at

Perl Weekly #593 - Perl on

Originally published at Perl Weekly 593

Hi there!

I registered to in 2017, more than 5 years ago. Posted a few articles with rather limited success: less than 10 people looked at the articles. Then in 2020 I posted a few more articles. On one of them Tests are awesome! I got as many as 300 readers, but the others have not received much love so I did not continue publishing. In 2021 I had another experiment when I published Perl modules with their own web site on which there were some 600 visitors. Primarily the readers of the Perl Weekly newsletter. I published a few more articles with readers in the low 10s. A few weeks ago I started to publish again. This time several of my articles got above 100 viewers and one, Open Source Development Courses is already above 1100 viewers. I started to get around 600 readers a day. That's already really valuable!

So what happened? There were a couple of changes: 1. There are more people on DEV. 2. I publish a lot more articles that appeal to a wider range of people. 3. There is a sort-of network effect. The more people up-vote and bookmark (the two kinds of reactions on DEV) my articles the more people will see it.

The nice thing about DEV is that I can republish the articles I published elsewhere (e.g. on PerlMaven, on Code-Maven, or, and also I can set the canonical URL of each article on DEV to the original one on my blog. That way I get the visitors on DEV as well, but the 'Google juice' the articles receive will flow over to my sites. It seems like a win-win for DEV and authors who have blogs elsewhere. You can even configure DEV to pull your RSS feed and create drafts from your articles published elsewhere. I even started to republish the content of the Perl Weekly.

So here is what I suggest. If you already write about Perl elsewhere, republish those articles on DEV and tag them with perl. If you are primarily a reader of articles, then register on DEV and start up-voting the Perl-related posts you like. You can even follow a few authors there, get notified when they have new posts, and up-vote those to encourage them to write even more.

Alternatively, you can watch the Perl Planetarium. It already follows the perl tag on DEV.

Enjoy your week!

Your editor: Gabor Szabo.


German Perl/Raku Workshop 2023 Call for Papers

New feature: HTTPS support now has HTTPS support


Advent of Code puzzle input downloader

SPVM 0.9663 is released

JSON Pure Perl Pretty Print

SPVM::IO 0.14 is released on Perl/CPAN

AoC 2022/1 - Caloric snacks

AoC 2022/2 - Rock Paper Scissors cheat guide

Day 5: CI for Win32-Wlan Perl module

Perl is Actually Portable


The Perl outlook for next year is favorable


The 2022 December CI Challenge

You probably already know that I think having CI for any project is valuable. I started a series of blog posts in which every day during December 2022 I am going to describe a pull-request I sent to an open source project adding Continuous Integration to it.

Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async-Redis-XS Perl module

This is a nice example where you can see how to configure the GitHub Action for some Perl code that uses Redis. The module author ended up accepting my PR and then switching over to CircleCI. Check out the CircleCI configuration in the GitHub repository. I think it was a very nice way to handle the situation: accepting the work even though the author already knew it will be replace.

Advent Calendars

Perl Advent Calendar for 2022

Raku Advent Calendar for 2022

Daily CI in December 2022

7 Advent Calendars in 2022

Advent Planet in 2022


List of new CPAN distributions – Nov 2022


This Week in PSC (089)

The weekly report of the Perl Steering Council

The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 Amazon voucher by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one winner at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month. The monthly prize is kindly sponsored by Peter Sergeant of PerlCareers.

The Weekly Challenge - 194

Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks "Digital Clock" and "Frequency Equalizer". If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.

RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 193

Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Binary String" and "Odd String" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.

The Weekly Challenge 193

Cool use of sprintf() to solve the task. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.

An Abundance of Strings

Line by line code analysis is the USP of Arne's blog. Great source for any Raku fan.

Evens and Oddballs

Bruce doesn't use many words but every word is worth every penny. Thanks for your contributions.

What An Unusual String You Have There! Or Are You Just Glad To Meet Me?

Thank you Colin for sharing blog post. You don't miss the opportunity to treat us with surprises.

PWC193 - Binary String

Nice show of Raku power to get the job done. Keep it up great work.

PWC193 - Odd String

Creative individual approach one for each, Perl and Raku. Please do checkout.

The Weekly Challenge 193

As always every week we get the varieties and this week is no different. Highly recommended.

Binary String and Odd String

Near identical solutions in Perl and Raku. Keep sharing the knowledge with us every week.

Map, map and remap!

Great show of Raku one-liner and other gems. Well done and keep it up.

Perl Weekly Challenge 193

Master of Perl one-liner, you don't want to miss. Highly recommended.

All the binaries and find the odd man out

Interesting narration of task analysis. You should definitely check it out.

Odd Binary

Are you a Kotlin fan? Roger decided to discuss his Kotlin solution in the blog this week. Highly recommended.

The odd binary string

Simon style of breaking big task into subtasks makes it so easy to follow. Thanks for your contributions.

PWC 193

Nice one-liner in Perl and Raku by Stephen. For me the highlight was the discussion of task analysis. Keep it up great work.

Weekly collections

NICEPERL's lists

Great CPAN modules released last week;
MetaCPAN weekly report;
StackOverflow Perl report.


German Perl/Raku Workshop 2023 Call for Papers

Perl Jobs by Perl Careers

Modern Perl and positive team vibes. UK Remote Perl role

If you’re a Modern Perl developer in the UK with Go-lang experience (or at least a strong desire to learn) and you’re searching for a team of dynamos, we’ve found the perfect place for you. This award-winning company may be newer, but the combined experience of their people is impressive. No doubt this is one of the many reasons their AI recruitment marketing business has taken off!

Senior Perl Developer with Cross-Trained Chops. UK Remote Perl Role

Sure, you’ve got Perl chops for days, but that’s not all you can do — and that’s why our client wants to meet you. They’re looking for senior Perl developers, Node engineers, and those with mighty Python and SQL skills to lead their team. Cross-trained team members are their sweet spot, and whether you’re cross-trained yourself or are open to the possibility, this may be your perfect role.

Adventure! Senior Perl roles in Malaysia, Dubai and Malta

Clever folks know that if you’re lucky, you can earn a living and have an adventure at the same time. Enter our international client: online trading is their game, and they’re looking for folks with passion, drive, and an appreciation for new experiences.

C, C++, and Perl Software Engineers, Let’s Keep the Internet Safe. Perl role in the UK

A leading digital safeguarding solutions provider is looking for a software engineer experienced in C, C++, or Perl. You’ll have strong Linux knowledge and a methodical approach to problem solving that you use to investigate, replicate, and address customer issues. Your keen understanding of firewalls, proxies, Iptables, Squid, VPNs/IPSec and HTTP(S) will be key to your success at this company.

Perl Developer and Business Owner? Remote Perl role in UK & EU

Our clients run a job search engine that has grown from two friends with an idea to a site that receives more than 10 million visits per month. They're looking for a Perl pro with at least three years of experience with high-volume and high-traffic apps and sites, a solid understanding of Object-Oriented Perl (perks if that knowledge includes Moose), SQL/MySQL and DBIx::Class.

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(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo
The articles are copyright the respective authors.

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