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Gabor Szabo
Gabor Szabo

Posted on • Originally published at

Perl Weekly #600 - 600th edition and still going ...

Originally published at Perl Weekly 600

Hi there,

Last week, Team PWC celebrated the 200th week and today we are presenting 600th edition. Kudos to all the editors, current and past for the care and affections. It feels nice to be associated with such a popular events.

I would also like to thank all the die hard fans of the Perl Weekly Newsletter for their support and constructive suggestions from time to time. It really helps me to focus on things important to the readers. I know it is not easy to do this every week but the love and affection we get works like a magic.

I remember there was time when blogging was the only source of information but now a days we have plenty of platforms where you get usefull informations. You know what I mean and where you can catch us. I love having 2-ways dicussion on any topics related to Perl. It is something I always encourage if you have spare time. I have seen how young blood getting involved in so many exciting things about Perl, for example on Telegram. Although I don't get time to take part in the discussion but I do watch how the discussion follow through. I have senior member of Perl Community helping young blood with their experiences. It would be unfair to name few here. You know who I am talking about. I salute to all those who keep Perl alive.

If you have any ideas/suggestions then please do share with us. I would to hear your point of views. Enjoy the rest of the newsletter till then.

Your editor: Mohammad S. Anwar.

Announcement by Gabor

Open Source Development Course for Perl developers

Last week I already mentioned this course that will start tomorrow, January 24th, 2023. In the course we'll learn and practice all the process of contributing to Open Source projects with an emphasize on Perl. We'll learn and practice git/github/pull-request/github pages/testing/test coverage/github actions/etc. You can still register and join the group.


This Week in PSC (094)

I love getting regular update by the Perl Steering Council. Every minute details are now public. Well done.

OTOBO supports the German Perl/Raku-Workshop

Happy to see GPW getting support of OTOBO. You should attend the workshop if you can. It is not just for German speaking audience. I have attended once in the past too.

Retirement Announcement - Dave Rolsky

After several years of service to The Perl/Raku Foundation, Dave Rolsky is retiring. The board thanks Dave for all of his work, he will be missed.


Using Perl to prepare sequencing files to submit to NCBI's GEO

Pleasantly surprised to see how Perl can be used is so many different fields.

Util::H2O and More, during Ordinary Times

Nice to see, Perl Advent Calendar post is still being discussed today. We should all share the work done by the Perl community with the rest of the world.

My Family and Other Fish (PerlayStation Part 2)

Good to see Saif is back. I find the subject very engaging and ofcouse his style of writing takes it to another level..

Regexp Delimiters

Looking at regexp through the lens of Perl is always fun. You will never get bored.


Synacor Challenge - my repo

Did you know about Synacor Challenge? I didn't. Find out more in the blog post.

KnowTee - easy notifications

Another tool for hobby-scale projects. Interesting, worth checking.

The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 Amazon voucher by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one winner at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month. The monthly prize is kindly sponsored by Peter Sergeant of PerlCareers.

The Weekly Challenge - 201

Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks: "Missing Numbers" and "Penny Piles". If you are new to the weekly challenge, why not join us and have fun every week? For more information, please read the FAQ.

RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 200

Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Arithmetic Slices" and "Seven Segment 200" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.

Seven Angry Slices

The verbose version of solution is worth checking. Keep it up great work.

Seven Segments to Midnight

The background story of task is something you don't want to miss it. I loved it. Thank you Colin.

Bicent-Weekly Solution

Loop is the flavour of the week. Complicated solutions can be solved using simple loops. Well done.

Weekly Challenge 200

Nice to know how Perl and Raku behave differently at times. Thanks for sharing your experience.

PWC200 - Arithmetic Slices

No question from Flavio this week. Straight to the solution in Perl and Raku. Thank you.

PWC200 - Seven Segment 200

Good use of state in the solution. Thanks for sharing.

The Weekly Challenge 200

We missed the performance stats this week. Never mind, we still have top notch solution.

Perl Weekly Challenge 200: Arithmetic Slices and Seven Segment Display

Plenty of demo makes it crystal clear how the code works. Cool attempt. Keep it up.

not optimal!

Easy route picked up by Luca, still not a bad attempt. Thanks for your contributions.

Perl Weekly Challenge 200

Use of binary mask is good choice. I liked it, thanks for sharing.

Slicing and dicing a double century

The simplest solution yet very compact. I am impressed. Well done.

The Weekly Challenge #200

Robbie found task #2 easier than task #1. It was supposed to the otherway around. Still we got two nice solutions. Thank you.

Seven Slices

Use of bitmap table is really nice. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

Two hundred slices

Thank you for spreading the work on site and your kind message. We got the usual collection of Perl and Python, deadly combination.

PWC 200

I liked the various different approaches being used by all. Steve came up with simple string to solve the task. Nice one.


2023.03 Advent Radux

Weekly collections

NICEPERL's lists

Great CPAN modules released last week;
MetaCPAN weekly report;
StackOverflow Perl report.

The corner of Gabor

A couple of entries sneaked in by Gabor.

one-liner: read first elements of a huge directory

At a client where I work we have a pretty big folder with quite a few files. Trying the list the first few files was an issue with ls and thus I wrote a short one-liner. Then shortened it. I wrote an article about it. Then Aristotle further improved it. It's all there in the blog post.

Open Source Development Course for Perl developers

Last week I already mentioned this course that will start tomorrow, January 24th, 2023. In the course we'll learn and practice all the process of contributing to Open Source projects with an emphasize on Perl. We'll learn and practice git/github/pull-request/github pages/testing/test coverage/github actions/etc. You can still register and join the group.

Perl Jobs by Perl Careers

Perl to Node Cross-training? Yes Please! UK Remote Perl Role

The client is interested in anyone with experience building web apps in Perl, using one of the major Perl frameworks. If you’re a crack-hand with Catalyst, a Mojolicious master, or a distinguished Dancer, they want you. You’ll be deploying apps your work to AWS, so experience would be handy, and the company’s big on testing, so they’d like you to know your way around Test::More.

Bold, beautiful, and… brainy? Senior Perl roles in Malaysia, Dubai and Malta

Offices are located within Dubai, Malta, and Malaysia so if you’re in one of those places, you’re one step closer to where you need to be. Hanging out in Honolulu? Not to worry. For the right person, they’ve got a work-sponsored visa and relocation package β€” if you’ve got the expertise and an adventurous spirit, they’ve got the will and means to get you where you need to be.

Modern Perl and positive team vibes. UK Remote Perl role

If you’re a Modern Perl developer in the UK with Go-lang experience (or at least a strong desire to learn) and you’re searching for a team of dynamos, we’ve found the perfect place for you. This award-winning company may be newer, but the combined experience of their people is impressive. No doubt this is one of the many reasons their AI recruitment marketing business has taken off!

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(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo
The articles are copyright the respective authors.

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