Originally published at Perl Weekly 710
Hi there,
Do you remember, the weekly newsletter where I mentioned about the work carried out for PPC web portal?
Well, it is now fully functional and operative: PPC. It has everything that you need to know about the future plan of Perl. Not only that, you can also involve in the new feature request. It made the process smooth and easy to understand. You can also take part in the discussion as well. This is your opportunity to share your view on the work being carried out. Or if you have any suggestion, you can use the template to submit your ideas. Isn't it simple? The best part for me is the ability to join the discussion in the work being done before it becomes the part of future release.
In the last edition of newsletter, there was an announcement about German Perl/Raku Workshop and Perl Toolchain Summit. I encourage every community members to come forward and help the organisers to make it reach wider audiences. There is another announcement about The North American Perl and Raku Conference. Please do share the details with your colleagues and friends.
Are you new to Perl and want to learn in 2025 then checkout this post. Here is another: Step-by-Step Guide to Learning PERL Programming: From Novice to Expert.
Today is the Day 3 of Ramadan in England. May ALLAH s.w.t bless you with peace, happiness and prosperity.
Enjoy rest of the newsletter.
Your editor: Mohammad Sajid Anwar.
From Code to Community: Sponsoring TPRC 2025
The North American Perl and Raku Conference will soon be upon us, and that means now is a great time to show your support for this very special event. This year there are many available sponsorship tiers and lots of opportunities for your organization to support the conference.
Announce Perl.Wiki.html V 1.24
For Perl Wiki fan, this is for you.
This week in PSC (181) | 2025-02-26
This week in PSC (179) | 2025-02-14
Looks like a busy meet, nice to see things are moving quickly.
Learning Perl in 2025
Nice collections, new to Perl then this is for you.
Step-by-Step Guide to Learning PERL Programming: From Novice to Expert
Worth reading even if you already know the language.
Hosting a Secure Static Website with S3 and CloudFront: Part I
Nice blog series sharing behind the scene secrets. If you are into cloud tech then you must checkout.
Hosting a Secure Static Website with S3 and CloudFront: Part IIa
Part II of the series carried forward.
Hosting a Secure Static Website with S3 and CloudFront: Part IIb
Third installment of the series for you.
Hosting a Secure Static Website with S3 and CloundFront: Part III
Time for the final word on the series. Highly recommended.
Slurp in Perl
Refresh the newly added command line flag '-g' in Perl v5.36.
MCE - How to?
A gentle introduction to MCE (Many-Core Engine) about parallel processing.
3D Object Scripting using OpenSCAD and Perl
Fun story telling skill with plenty of tech talk in between. I also liked the use of Object::Pad.
Mid-life upgrade for the MailBox suite
Are you a user of MailBox? If yes then please hekp Mark during the test phase of the rework.
The Weekly Challenge
The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Sajid Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one champion at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month, thanks to the sponsor Lance Wicks.
The Weekly Challenge - 311
Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks "Upper Lower" and "Group Digit Sum". If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.
RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 310
Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Arrays Intersection" and "Sort Odd Even" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.
Arrays Intersect in Odd Ways
Love the use of v5.38 but surprised not to see method signature in action. Thanks for sharing knowledge.
Good use of CPAN modules. As always we have a compact and cute solutions. Keep it up great work.
Intersection Sort
Raku one-liner by the master himself. Good to see Raku flexing muscles.
Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 310
Perl and Raku side by side as always. You will clearly see the similarities. Great work.
Odd Sets
I am a big fan of PDL. I just love the final product. Keep sharing the magic.
Perl Weekly Challenge 310
Here you have another fan of CPAN modules. Checkout the use of CPAN in one-liner. Keep it up great work.
Make it even
Love the story around the solution. It makes it fun reading, well done and keep it up.
Arrays and arrays
As the title suggests, plenty of loops. Why not? Go for it and don't forget to use DIY tool.
The Weekly Challenge #310
Smart use of 'mesh' from CPAN module List::SomeUtils. Clever move, well done.
Odd Arrays
Nice demo of Scalar solution. You get to learn something new every week by just reading the post. Highly recommended.
2025.08 Starting An Avalanche
Weekly collections
NICEPERL's lists
Great CPAN modules released last week.
Boston.pm monthly meeting
Virtual event
Paris.pm monthly meeting
Paris, France
Dave Cross: Still Munging Data with Perl
Virtual Event
Boston.pm monthly meeting
Virtual event
German Perl/Raku Workshop Conference 2025
Munich, Germany
The Perl and Raku Conference 2025
Greenville, South Carolina, USA
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(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo
The articles are copyright the respective authors.
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