
Gabor Szabo
Gabor Szabo

Posted on • Originally published at

Perl Weekly #685 - LPRW 2024 Schedule Now Available

Originally published at Perl Weekly 685

Hi there!

I don't have much to say today and frankly I am rather tired of all kinds of things not related to Perl or programming. Just looking at the news and its reflection on social media makes me extremly sad.

However, you could check out the London Perl and Raku Workshop 2024 Schedule.

Enjoy your week!

Your editor: Gabor Szabo.


SlapbirdAPM now generically supports DBI!

SlapbirdAPM is an open-source Perl application performance monitor.


App::cpx, a npx-like for CPAN, for Perl developers who also need to do front-end.

Perl wiki updated, 4 other wikis uploaded - Take 4

Perl wiki updated, 4 other wikis uploaded - Take 2

Just released the latest version of String::Util

Every project ends up with the junk drawer module of the special string processing it needs.

GIST: sorting semantic versioned Git tags

FreePublicPerlAPIs Update: 10 new CPAN modules from 3 Authors, more on the way. 290 to go!


Other than Raku, are there any serious plans for a Perl 6?

Finally a topic that really energized the folks at Reddit.

The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Sajid Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. You can even win prize money of $50 by participating in the weekly challenge. We pick one champion at the end of the month from among all of the contributors during the month, thanks to the sponsor Lance Wicks.

The Weekly Challenge - 286

Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks "Self Spammer" and "Order Game". If you are new to the weekly challenge then why not join us and have fun every week. For more information, please read the FAQ.

RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 285

Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "No Connection" and "Making Change" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.


Loop is the favourite choice this week. Never underestimate the power of simple for-loop. Highly recommended.

No Connection

Coding stays easy to follow but the verbose mode is always the best part of the solution. Keep it up great work.

Lost Connections and Making Changes

Another unique approach shared in the post. Plenty to learn every week from these contributions. Thanks for your contributions.

Change With No Way Out

Incredible power of CPAN module. I am very impressed with the end result. You really don't want to skip it.

Perl Weekly Challenge 285: No Connection

Perfect place to lookout for implementation of Raku feature in Perl. Just love it, great inspiration.

Perl Weekly Challenge 285: Making Change

Recursive function is presented as ideal for this task. Great choice, thanks for sharing.

Perl Weekly Challenge 285

Using of Memoize is ideal in the 'Making Change' task. Smart move, well done.

Connected Coins in an Unconnected World

I never thought of non-graph based solution. It is presented in such a simple way. Brilliant work, keep it up.

Exact Change Only!

Apology for lack of descriptive task. I am happy you didn't give up and came up with cool solution. Well done.

Dead end coins

Detailed task analysis is the highlight of the post as always and don't forget to DIY. Keep it up great work.

The Weekly Challenge - 285

Regex? I never thought of regex when dealing with 'No Connection' task. It is very powerful and different. Well done.

The Weekly Challenge #285

The task analysis of 'Making Change' made it so simple, incredible. Thanks for sharing knowledge with us.

Making Connections

Cartesian product in Perl, cool. And bonus guest languages to keep you busy. Highly recommended.

Making connections

Interesting take on recursion with regard to the limits for Perl and Python. Keep sharing knowledge as always.

Week 285

Welcome to blogging. Like a true Perl fans, we got a real TDD solution. Thanks for promoting the unit test.


This week in PSC (159) | 2024-09-05

Weekly collections

NICEPERL's lists

Great CPAN modules released last week;
MetaCPAN weekly report;
StackOverflow Perl report.

Events monthly meeting

September 10, 2024, Virtual event

Purdue Perl Mongers

September 11, 2024, Virtual event

Toronto Perl Mongers monthly meeting

September 26, 2024, Virtual event

London Perl and Raku Workshop

October 26, 2024, in London, UK

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(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo
The articles are copyright the respective authors.

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