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Daily Challenge #12 - Next Larger Number

Apologies on missing yesterday's challenge. We have a fun one to hop in on today. If you haven't been following the series, feel free to give this one a try. If you're one of our more advanced users, consider this your rest day.

This challenge comes from user GiacomoSorbi on CodeWars

Your goal is to create a function that takes a positive integer and returns the next bigger number formed using the same digits.

A number like 2019 would not become 9210, as that is the largest possible number that can be created using those digits. The answer would be 2091, as that is the next larger number.

For example:
12 ==> 21
513 ==> 531

If a larger number cannot be composed using those digits, return -1 or null.

Good luck, happy coding!

Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!

Want to propose a challenge for a future post? Email with your suggestions!

Top comments (19)

jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

Perl 5

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings
    qw{ experimental::postderef experimental::smartmatch experimental::signatures };

use Algorithm::Permute;
use JSON;

my $json = JSON->new->pretty->canonical;

my $base = 2019;
my @base = split m{},$base;
my $iter = Algorithm::Permute->new(\@base);
my @list;
while ( my @num = $iter->next ) {
    push @list, join '', @num;
for my $n ( sort @list ) {
    next if $n <= $base;
    say $n;
choroba profile image
E. Choroba


jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

Because debugging and forgetting to remove it when done.

coreyja profile image
Corey Alexander

Took a long drive up for vacation yesterday so I wasn't able to get this types out! I think I know what I'm gonna implement so just gotta see if I can't type it out today! Can't get oo far behind on these challenges! I owe two now !

coreyja profile image
Corey Alexander

Got it done! Was able to write out what I was thinking last night without too much hassle, pretty happy with how it came out.

Could have tried not converting to chars in the middle, but it worked out pretty nicely still I think!

pub fn next_largest(n: u32) -> Option<u32> {
    let s = n.to_string();

    let mut chars: Vec<_> = s.chars().collect();

    for i in (0..chars.len() - 1).rev() {
        let first = chars[i].to_digit(10).unwrap();
        let second = chars[i + 1].to_digit(10).unwrap();

        if second > first {
            chars.swap(i, i + 1);
            let s: String = chars.iter().collect();

            return Some(s.parse().unwrap());


mod tests {
    use crate::*;

    fn it_works_for_examples_that_have_no_largest() {
        assert_eq!(next_largest(4), None);
        assert_eq!(next_largest(100), None);
        assert_eq!(next_largest(9876), None);

    fn it_works_for_the_examples() {
        assert_eq!(next_largest(12), Some(21));
        assert_eq!(next_largest(2019), Some(2091));
        assert_eq!(next_largest(513), Some(531));

    fn it_works_for_large_numebrs() {
        assert_eq!(next_largest(36852367), Some(36852376));
        assert_eq!(next_largest(123456789), Some(123456798));
        assert_eq!(next_largest(5010), Some(5100));
coreyja profile image
Corey Alexander

I notice a lot of people did theirs differently so I thought I'd explain what I did!

One of the things I noticed that led to my solution, was the fast that the next largest number, was 1 'sort' away from the number we had. What I mean is if we imagine our number as an array of its digits, the number we wanted was 1 swap away AND would make our 'array' more sorted than it was before!

This made me realize that a modified bubble sort was exactly what I was looking for! So below I conconted something loosely based on a bubble sort. It starts at the end of the number and moves backward seeing if it can make a swap. If it does, it returns the swapped value. If we make it to the beggining of the list we know there wasn't a larger number and simply return None!

oscherler profile image
Olivier “Ölbaum” Scherler

I wanted to do it like this (in Erlang), but didn’t figure out how to. Nice.

Thread Thread
oscherler profile image
Olivier “Ölbaum” Scherler

I think you have a mistake: next_largest(351) should return 513, and you return 531.

That’s where I gave up with the swapping approach.

kerrishotts profile image
Kerri Shotts

Here's mine.

First, a function for permuting the digits (using recursion):

const permute = arr => {
    if (arr.length < 2) {
        return (typeof arr === "string" ? [arr] : arr);

    if (typeof arr === "string") {
        return permute(arr.split("")).map(arr => arr.join(""));

    const result = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        const unused = => i);
        const candidate = unused.splice(i, 1);
        const permuteUnused = permute(unused);
        for (let r of permuteUnused) {
            result.push([...candidate, ...Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]]);
    return result;

Next, a sorting function:

const numericalOrder = (a, b) => {
    const nA = Number(a);
    const nB = Number(b);
    return nA < nB ? -1
    : nA > nB ? 1
    : 0;

And finally, the function to calculate the next largest number itself, relying on the idea that if we sort in numerical ascending order and filter out all the items less than the requested number, then the first one remaining must be our next largest number.

const nextLargerNumber = n => {
    const digits = n.toString();
    const nextValidNumbers = permute(digits)
        .filter(a => Number(a) > n);
    if (nextValidNumbers.length < 1) {
        return null;
    return Number(nextValidNumbers[0]);

Full code and tests in gist:

kaspermeyer profile image
Kasper Meyer

Ruby solution

Trying out Object#then, which was introduced recently in Ruby 2.6, just for the fun of it.

require "minitest/autorun"

class NextBiggerNumber
  def self.from number
      .then { |result| result.permutation }
      .then { |result| }
      .then { |result| }
      .then { |result| result.sort }
      .then { |result| result[result.index(number) + 1] }

class NextBiggerNumberTest < MiniTest::Test
  def test_next_bigger_number_with_two_digits
    assert_equal 21, NextBiggerNumber.from(12)

  def test_next_bigger_number_with_three_digits
    assert_equal 531, NextBiggerNumber.from(513)

  def test_next_bigger_number_with_four_digits
    assert_equal 2091, NextBiggerNumber.from(2019)
kvharish profile image
K.V.Harish • Edited

My solution in js

const nextLargerNumber = (num) => {
  const largerNumber = parseInt(`${num}`.split('').sort().reverse().join(''));
  return num == largerNumber ? -1 : largerNumber;

jacoby profile image
Dave Jacoby

Perl 6

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

my $base = 2019;
my @numbers = split('',$base);

my @perm;
for @numbers.permutations -> @n { @perm.push( @n.join('') )}

for @perm.unique.sort -> $p {
    next unless $p > $base;
    say $p ;
alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

Ooops. Today I caught the challenge a bit late... I sketched something, hopefully I'll finish it by tomorrow before the next challenge :-/

coreyja profile image
Corey Alexander

I didn't get to this one till today too, and I still own one from a few days ago! So don't feel too bad lol

praneetnadkar profile image
Praneet Nadkar • Edited

I know I am late.
This what I did in C#

static void Main()
     Console.WriteLine("Enter any integer: ");
     var read = Console.ReadLine();
     var referrer = new string(read.ToCharArray().OrderBy(i => i).ToArray());
     var input = read.ToCharArray().Select(x => int.Parse(x.ToString())).ToList();
     var first = int.Parse(read);
     var last = int.Parse(string.Join("", input.OrderByDescending(i => i).ToArray()));
     var permutations = Enumerable.Range(first, last).ToList();
     var container = new List<int>();
     foreach (var item in permutations)
       var reference = new string(item.ToString().ToCharArray().OrderBy(i => i).ToArray());

       int c = string.Compare(referrer, reference);
       if (c != 0) continue;        

     var inputNumberIndex = container.IndexOf(int.Parse(read));
     if (inputNumberIndex >= 0)
        if (container.Count == 0) Console.WriteLine(container.FirstOrDefault());

        var findIndex = inputNumberIndex + 1;

oscherler profile image
Olivier “Ölbaum” Scherler

I’m learning Erlang.

At first, I wanted to use digit swapping, like @coreyja , but it was harder than I initially thought (e.g. 351 needs two swaps, because the next larger number is 513, not 531.)

To validate the swapping method, I wrote a blunt version that converts a number into an array of digits, lists all the permutations, sorts them and finds the next occurence. For that I searched for a permutation function. It uses generators and list comprehensions, and I haven’t taken the time to understand it yet, but I’ll definitely try that in future challenges.

So my current solution is the blunt one (and I removed the unit tests for the intermediate functions, that are useful for development but not interesting for the solution).

-module( next ).


% convert an integer to an array of digits
digits( N ) when N >= 0 ->
    digits( N, [] ).
digits( N, Digits ) when N < 10 ->
    [ N | Digits ];
digits( N, Digits ) ->
    digits( N div 10, [ N rem 10 | Digits ] ).

% convert an array of digits to an integer
number( Digits ) ->
    number( Digits, 0 ).
number( [ D | Rest ], N ) ->
    number( Rest, N * 10 + D );
number( [], N ) ->

% list all permutations of an array, taken from
perms( [] ) -> [ [] ];
perms( L )  -> [ [ H | T ] || H <- L, T <- perms( L -- [ H ] ) ].

% return the first element occuring after N in a list
find_next( N, [ N, M | _ ] ) ->
find_next( N, [ _ | Rest ] ) ->
    find_next( N, Rest );
find_next( _, [] ) ->

next( N ) ->
    Digits = digits( N ),
    Next = find_next( Digits, lists:sort( perms( digits( N ) ) ) ),
    case Next of
        none -> none;
        _ -> number( Next )

next_test_() -> [
    ?_assertEqual( none, next( 5 ) ),
    ?_assertEqual( 51, next( 15 ) ),
    ?_assertEqual( 536, next( 365 ) ),
    ?_assertEqual( 21, next( 12 ) ),
    ?_assertEqual( 531, next( 513 ) ),
    ?_assertEqual( 513, next( 351 ) ),
    ?_assertEqual( none, next( 531 ) ),
    ?_assertEqual( 2091, next( 2019 ) )
peter279k profile image

Here is my simple solution with PHP:

function nextBigger($n) {
  // your code here
  if (strlen($n) === 1) {
    return -1;

  $answer = 0;
  $maxNumber = findMaxNumber($n);

  if ($maxNumber === $n) {
    return -1;

  $nInfoArray = [];
  $strCountArray = [];

  $index = 0;
  $str = (string)$n;
  for (; $index < strlen($str); $index++) {
    if (array_key_exists((string)$str[$index], $nInfoArray) === true) {
      $nInfoArray[(string)$str[$index]] += 1;
    } else {
      $nInfoArray[(string)$str[$index]] = 1;
      $strCountArray[(string)$str[$index]] = 0;

  for ($min=$n+1; $min<=$maxNumber; $min++) {
    $str = (string)$min;
    $strIndex = 0;
    $findAlert = false;
    for(; $strIndex<strlen($str); $strIndex++) {
      if (strpos((string)$n, (string)$str[$strIndex]) !== false) {
        $strCountArray[(string)$str[$strIndex]] += 1;
        if ($strCountArray[(string)$str[$strIndex]] > $nInfoArray[(string)$str[$strIndex]]) {
            $findAlert = true;
      } else {
        $findAlert = true;

    foreach ($strCountArray as $key => $value) {
      $strCountArray[$key] = 0;

    if ($findAlert === true) {

    $answer = $min;

  if ($answer === $n) {
    return -1;

  return $answer;

function findMaxNumber($n) {
  $maxNumberArray = [];
  $string = (string)$n;

  for($index=0; $index<strlen($string); $index++) {
    $maxNumberArray[] = $string[$index];


  $maxNumberArray = array_reverse($maxNumberArray);

  return (int)implode($maxNumberArray);