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Daily Challenge #8 - Scrabble Word Calculator

Everyone loves a game of Scrabble! Your challenge today is to calculate the scrabble score of a given word.

Scoring per tile:

Here is the scoring per tile

To make things even more challenging, please consider additional scoring as follows:

Double letter (doubles the value of the letter)
-A double letter will be represented with an asterisk after the letter. he*llo would make a double letter on the e.

Triple letter (triples the value of the letter)
-A triple letter will be represented with two asterisks after the letter. he**llo would make a triple letter on the e.

Double word (double the value of the word after letter rules have been applied)
-A double word is represented by the word ending in (d)

Triple word (triple the value of the word after letter rules have been applied)
-A triple word is represented by the word ending in (t)

A blank (the letter given will score 0)
-A blank tile will be represented with a caret after the letter or asterisk is the letter has a double or triple letter value. he^llo would mean the e scores 0.

Bonus 50!
-If the word is a seven letter word an additional 50 points are awarded.

Good luck and happy coding!

This challenge comes from user grantw1991 on Codewars

Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!

Want to propose a challenge for a future post? Email with your suggestions!

Top comments (18)

yzhernand profile image
Yozen Hernandez • Edited

Here's my solution in Perl, along with a few tests.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.24;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(signatures);
no warnings "experimental::signatures";
use List::Util qw(sum);
use Carp;

my %scores = (
    A   => 1, B   => 3,  C   => 3, D   => 2, E   => 1,
    F   => 4, G   => 2,  H   => 4, I   => 1, J   => 8,
    K   => 5, L   => 1,  M   => 3, N   => 1, O   => 1,
    P   => 3, Q   => 10, R   => 1, S   => 1, T   => 1,
    U   => 1, V   => 4,  W   => 4, X   => 8, Y   => 4,
    Z   => 10,

my %multiplier = ( D => 2, T => 3 );

sub scrabble_score ($word) {
    $word = uc($word);
    my $score = 0;
    my $mult  = 1;
    my $count = 0;

    if ( $word =~ s/\((D|T)\)// ) {
        $mult = $multiplier{$1};

    while ( $word =~ s/([[:alpha:]])(\^|\*{0,2})// ) {
        $score += ( $2 ne '^' ) * ( $scores{$1} + $scores{$1} * length($2) );

    return ( $score * $mult ) + 50*($count == 7);

use Test::More tests => 7;

my $word = "quintessential";
is( scrabble_score($word), 23, "Score for $word is 23" );
$word = "he*llo**";
is( scrabble_score($word), 11, "Score for $word is 11" );
$word = "quintessential(t)";
is( scrabble_score($word), 69, "Score for $word is 69" );
$word = "q^uintessential(t)";
is( scrabble_score($word), 39, "Score for $word is 39" );
$word = "he*llo**(d)";
is( scrabble_score($word), 22, "Score for $word is 22" );
$word = "he^llo**(d)";
is( scrabble_score($word), 18, "Score for $word is 18" );
$word = "wordier(d)";
is( scrabble_score($word), 72, "Score for $word is 72" );

Edit: fixed a bug, stray print, and added the 7 letter bonus

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro • Edited


const scrabbleWordValue = word => {

  // scrabble letter values
  const letterValues = { a:1, b:3, c:3, d:2, e:1, f:4, g:2, 
                         h:4, i:1, j:8, k:5, l:1, m:3, n:1, 
                         o:1, p:3, q:10, r:1, s:1, t:1, u:1, 
                         v:4, w:4, x:8, y:4, z:10 };

  // Pre-requesites - check that the string fulfills a good pattern:
  //   - it must start with a letter
  //   - followed by have any combination of letters and asterisks
  //   - optionally at the end it can have a (t) or (d) modifier
  // if it doesn't follow that pattern (invalid or empty), return 0 points
  if(!word.match(/^([a-z][\*]{0,2})+(\([t|d]\))?$/gi)) {
    return 0;

  // word modifier - calculate the multiplier that will apply to the word:
  //   - 1 (default): the word will not change value
  //   - 2 (if it ends with '(d)'): the word will be multiplied by 2
  //   - 3 (if it ends with '(t)'): the word will be multiplied by 3
  // after calculating the word multiplier, update the word id applicable.
  let wordModifier = 1;
  if (word.indexOf("(") > 0) {
    wordModifier = word.indexOf("(t)") > 0 ? 3 : 2;
    word = word.slice(0,-3);

  // calculate the addition of all letters
  //   - if the letter is an asterisk, use the previous letter
  //   - update the previous letter to current letter
  //   - add the value of the letter to the total
  let previous = 0;
  let valueWord = word.split('')
                      .reduce((acc, curr) => {
                        if (curr == '*') curr = previous;
                        previous = curr;
                        return letterValues[curr] + acc;
                      }, 0);

  // if the words has seven letters, add 50 extra points!
  const allLettersBonus = word.replace(/\*/g,'').length == 7 ? 50 : 0;

  // return the value of the word considering all modifiers
  return valueWord * wordModifier + allLettersBonus;

Live demo on CodePen.

stevemoon profile image
Steve Moon • Edited



scrabble_score(Input) ->
    LS = #{$a => 1, $b => 3, $c => 3, $d => 2, $e => 1, $f => 4, $g => 2, $h => 4,
           $i => 1, $j => 8, $k => 5, $l => 1, $m => 3, $n => 1, $o => 1, $p => 3,
           $q => 10, $r => 1, $s => 1, $t => 1, $u => 1, $v => 4, $w => 4, $x => 8,
           $y => 4, $z => 10},
    LCInput = string:lowercase(Input),
    score_word(LS, LCInput, []).

score_word(_, [], Scores) when length(Scores) == 7 ->
    score_sum(Scores) + 50;
score_word(_, [$(,$t,$)], Scores) when length(Scores) == 7 ->
    score_sum(Scores) * 3 + 50;
score_word(_, [$(,$d,$)], Scores) when length(Scores) == 7 ->
    score_sum(Scores) * 2 + 50;
score_word(_, [$(,$t,$)], Scores) ->
    score_sum(Scores) * 3;
score_word(_, [$(,$d,$)], Scores) ->
    score_sum(Scores) * 2;
score_word(_, [], Scores) ->
score_word(LS, [$^, _ | Rest], Scores) ->
    score_word(LS, Rest, Scores ++ 0);
score_word(LS, [Letter, $*, $* | Rest], Scores) ->
    score_word(LS, Rest, Scores ++ [maps:get(Letter,LS) * 3]);
score_word(LS, [Letter, $* | Rest], Scores) ->
    score_word(LS, Rest, Scores ++ [maps:get(Letter,LS) * 2]);
score_word(LS, [Letter | Rest], Scores) ->
    score_word(LS, Rest, Scores ++ [ maps:get(Letter, LS)]).

score_sum(Scores) ->
    lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end, 0, Scores).

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Ah, neat. Pattern matching was definitely the way to go about it functionally, wish I'd done that instead!

n8chz profile image
Lorraine Lee • Edited

Good old C. Be advised though there are ways to bork this one with some inputs not consistent with the rubric.

int score(char *word) {
  // Digits are one less than score values for each letter
  // This maps 1-10 to 0-9, allowing one-character representation of each score
  char *letter_scores = "02210313074020029000033739";
  int score = 0, letter_count = 0, mult=1;
  for(char *ptr = word; *ptr; ptr++) {
    if (isalpha(*ptr)) {
      int letter_score = letter_scores[toupper(*ptr)-'A']-'0'+1;
      score += letter_score;
      if (*(ptr+1) == '*') {
        score += letter_score;
        if (*(ptr+2) == '*') {
          score += letter_score;
    if (*ptr == '(') {
      mult = *(ptr+1) == 'd' ? 2 : 3;
  return score*mult+50*(letter_count == 7);
deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

Because these are fun in languages you don't actually know, here's Haskell:

import Data.Map (Map, (!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map

scores :: Map Char Int
scores = Map.fromList pairs
        pairs = [
            ('a', 1),
            ('b', 3),
            ('c', 3),
            ('d', 2),
            ('e', 1),
            ('f', 4),
            ('g', 2),
            ('h', 4),
            ('i', 1),
            ('j', 8),
            ('k', 5),
            ('l', 1),
            ('m', 3),
            ('n', 1),
            ('o', 1),
            ('p', 3),
            ('q', 10),
            ('r', 1),
            ('s', 1),
            ('t', 1),
            ('u', 1),
            ('v', 4),
            ('w', 4),
            ('x', 8),
            ('y', 4),
            ('z', 10)]

scoreWord :: String -> Int
scoreWord w =
        sevenLetterBonus = if (length $ stripMarkers w) == 7 then 50 else 0
        wordMultiplier =
                suffix = dropWhile (/= '(') w
                if length suffix > 0 then
                    case suffix !! 1 of
                        't' -> 3
                        'd' -> 2
                        _ -> 1
                else 1
        preparedWord = expandMarkers $ takeWhile (/= '(') w
        rawScore = sum $ scoreLetters $ preparedWord
        rawScore * wordMultiplier + sevenLetterBonus
        scoreLetters cs = map (\c -> scores ! c) cs

-- transform doubles, triples, carats
-- if we hit an asterisk, replace it with the previous letter
-- if we hit a carat, drop the previus letter
expandMarkers :: String -> String
expandMarkers [] = []
expandMarkers (c:[]) = [c]
expandMarkers (c:rest) =
    case head rest of
        '*' ->
            if (head $ tail rest) == '*' then
                [c] ++ [c] ++ [c] ++ (expandMarkers $ drop 2 rest) else
                [c] ++ [c] ++ (expandMarkers $ tail rest)
        '^' -> expandMarkers $ tail rest
        _ -> [c] ++ expandMarkers rest

-- remove suffix and all markers for deciding on the 7-letter bonus
stripMarkers :: String -> String
stripMarkers w = filter (\c -> c /= '*' && c /= '^') $ takeWhile (/= '(') w

I didn't provide tests, but I think it works. Maybe I'll write some later on.

ganderzz profile image
Dylan Paulus

My overly complex (nim) solution :)

from strutils import toLower
from sequtils import filter

type WordType = enum value, multiply, global

type Word = object
  Value: int
  Type: WordType

# a..z
# [97, 122]
const score_mapping = [1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 
                       2, 4, 1, 8, 5, 1, 3, 
                       1, 1, 3, 10, 1, 1, 
                       1, 1, 4, 4, 8 , 4, 10]

# Build a stack, tokenizing the characters
# This will let us apply operations in a reverse order
proc buildStack(word: string): seq[ref Word] =
  result = newSeq[ref Word]()
  let lowerWord = toLower(word)

  for i in 0..(len(lowerWord) - 1):
    let currentWord = new(Word)
    let letter = lowerWord[i]
    let letterAsInt = int(letter)

    if letterAsInt < 97 or letterAsInt > 122:
      if letter == '*':
        currentWord.Value = 2
        currentWord.Type = WordType.multiply
      if letter == '^':
        currentWord.Value = 0
        currentWord.Type = WordType.multiply
      if letter == '(':
        currentWord.Value = if lowerWord[i+1] == 't': 3 else: 2
        currentWord.Type =
        result.add(currentWord) # we reached the end of the string
      let scoreMappingPosition = letterAsInt - 97

      currentWord.Value = score_mapping[scoreMappingPosition]
      currentWord.Type = WordType.value


# Gets the value of the operations
proc parseOperations(value: int, operations: seq[ref Word]): int =
  var multiplier = 1

  if len(operations) > 0:
    for operation in operations:
      if operation.Type == Wordtype.multiply:
        if operation.Value == 0:
          return 0
          multiplier += 1

  result += value * multiplier

proc getScore(stack: seq[ref Word]): int =
  var s = stack # make mutable
  var operations: seq[ref Word]
  var globalMultiplier = 1

  if stack.filter(proc(p: ref Word): bool = p.Type == Wordtype.value).len >= 7:
    result += 50

  while len(s) > 0:
    let item = s.pop()

    if item.Type == WordType.value:
      result += parseOperations(item.Value, operations)
      operations = @[]
    elif item.Type ==
      globalMultiplier = item.Value

  result *= globalMultiplier

echo buildStack("d**e*v^(d)").getScore()
jckuhl profile image
Jonathan Kuhl

A few days late, but here's my JavaScript solution, using reduce.

function scoreWord(string) {
    let word = string.toLowerCase();

    const scores = {
        a: 1,
        // ... etc, cut for conciseness
        z: 10,
        q: 10

    let multiplier = 1;

    if(word.substring(word.length - 1) === '2') {
        multiplier = 2;
        word = word.substring(0, word.length - 1);
    } else if(word.substring(word.length - 1) === '3') {
        multiplier = 3;
        word = word.substring(0, word.length - 1);

    let bonus = word.split('').filter(char => {
        return !['*', '^'].includes(char);
    }).length >= 7 ? 50 : 0;

    return word.split('').reduce((score, letter, index, letters) => {
        const next = index + 1 < letters.length ? letters[index + 1] : null;
        if('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.includes(letter)) {
            if(next && ['*', '^'].includes(next)) {
                if(next === '^') {
                    return score += 0;
                if(next === '*') {
                    if(index + 2 < letters.length && letters[index + 2] === '*') {
                        score += (scores[letter] * 3);
                    } else {
                        score += (scores[letter] * 2);
                    return score;
            return score += scores[letter];
        } else {
            return score;
    }, 0) * multiplier + bonus;

I changed the rules a bit, since it's hard to distinguish between double/triple words and words that naturally end in d or t, I decided to use 2 or 3 instead.

kaspermeyer profile image
Kasper Meyer

Ruby solution

require "minitest/autorun"

class ScrabbleLetter
  SCORES = {
    'a' => 1, 'b' => 3,  'c' => 3, 'd' => 2, 'e' => 1,
    'f' => 4, 'g' => 2,  'h' => 4, 'i' => 1, 'j' => 8,
    'k' => 5, 'l' => 1,  'm' => 3, 'n' => 1, 'o' => 1,
    'p' => 3, 'q' => 10, 'r' => 1, 's' => 1, 't' => 1,
    'u' => 1, 'v' => 4,  'w' => 4, 'x' => 8, 'y' => 4,
    'z' => 10

  # Parses a string of scrabble letters and separates
  # them with their multiplier still intact.
  # @example
  #   ScrabbleLetter.parse("h^i**")
  #   # => [#<ScrabbleLetter @letter="h^">, #<ScrabbleLetter @letter="i**">]
  def self.parse string
    string.chars.each_with_object([]) do |char, letters|
      SCORES[char] ? letters << char : letters[-1] << char { |letter| new letter }

  def initialize letter
    @letter = letter

  def score
    letter_score * multiplier


    def letter_score

    def multiplier
      return 0 if @letter.end_with?('^')
      return 3 if @letter.end_with?('**')
      return 2 if @letter.end_with?('*')
      return 1

class ScrabbleWord
  DOUBLE_WORD_TOKEN = '(d)'.freeze
  TRIPLE_WORD_TOKEN = '(t)'.freeze

  def initialize word
    @word = word

  def score
    letters_score * multiplier + length_bonus


    def letters_score

    def multiplier
      return 2 if @word.end_with?(DOUBLE_WORD_TOKEN)
      return 3 if @word.end_with?(TRIPLE_WORD_TOKEN)
      return 1

    def length_bonus
      letters.count == 7 ? 50 : 0

    def letters
      ScrabbleLetter.parse word_without_multiplier

    def word_without_multiplier
        .gsub(DOUBLE_WORD_TOKEN, "")
        .gsub(TRIPLE_WORD_TOKEN, "")

class ScrabbleWordTest < MiniTest::Test
  def test_simple_word
    assert_equal 23,"quintessential").score

  def test_double_and_triple_letters
    assert_equal 11,"he*llo**").score

  def test_triple_word
    assert_equal 69,"quintessential(t)").score

  def test_blank_tile_with_triple_word
    assert_equal 39,"q^uintessential(t)").score

  def test_double_and_triple_letters_with_double_word
    assert_equal 22,"he*llo**(d)").score

  def test_blank_tile_with_double_letter_and_double_word
    assert_equal 18,"he^llo**(d)").score

  def test_seven_letter_word_bonus
    assert_equal 72,"wordier(d)").score

I borrowed your tests, @yzhernand . Thank you for writing them, so I didn't have to.

oscherler profile image
Olivier “Ölbaum” Scherler

I’m learning Erlang.

I had forgotten that you can have several elements to the Head in a pattern match (then I saw @stevemoon ’s solution), so I used lists:foldr to process the word from the end, which means I accumulate the multipliers and apply them once I encounter a letter. I could have named variables better, but with short names it’s easier on the eye, with this state tuple I’m moving around.

For fun I decided to allow several word multipliers, and to allow the blank indicator before, after, or in the middle of the asterisks.

I made my own tests, and stole other peoples’ as well.

-module( scrabble ).
-export( [ word_score/1, letter_score/1 ] ).


letter_score( Letter ) ->
    Points = #{
        $a => 1, $b => 3, $c => 3, $d => 2, $e => 1,
        $f => 4, $g => 2, $h => 4, $i => 1, $j => 8,
        $k => 5, $l => 1, $m => 3, $n => 1, $o => 1,
        $p => 3, $q => 10, $r => 1, $s => 1, $t => 1,
        $u => 1, $v => 4, $w => 4, $x => 8, $y => 4,
        $z => 10
    maps:get( Letter, Points ).

word_score( Word ) ->
    { Score, Wm, _Lm, Lc, _State } = lists:foldr(
        fun char/2,
        { 0, 1, 1, 0, normal },
        string:lowercase( Word )
    Bonus = case Lc of 7 -> 50; _ -> 0 end,
    Score * Wm + Bonus.

% Score
% Wm = Word multiplier
% Lm = Letter multiplier
% Lc = Letter count
% Parser state
char( $\), { Score, Wm, Lm, Lc, normal } ) ->
    { Score, Wm, Lm, Lc, word_mult };
char( $d, { Score, Wm, Lm, Lc, word_mult } ) ->
    { Score, 2 * Wm, Lm, Lc, word_mult };
char( $t, { Score, Wm, Lm, Lc, word_mult } ) ->
    { Score, 3 * Wm, Lm, Lc, word_mult };
char( $\(, { Score, Wm, Lm, Lc, word_mult } ) ->
    { Score, Wm, Lm, Lc, normal };
char( $*, { Score, Wm, 0, Lc, normal } ) ->
    { Score, Wm, 0, Lc, normal };
char( $*, { Score, Wm, 1, Lc, normal } ) ->
    { Score, Wm, 2, Lc, normal };
char( $*, { Score, Wm, 2, Lc, normal } ) ->
    { Score, Wm, 3, Lc, normal };
char( $^, { Score, Wm, _Lm, Lc, normal } ) ->
    { Score, Wm, 0, Lc, normal };
char( L, { Score, Wm, Lm, Lc, normal } ) ->
    { Score + Lm * letter_score( L ), Wm, 1, Lc + 1, normal }.

char_test() -> [
    ?assert( char( $\), { 0, 1, 1, 0, normal } ) =:= { 0, 1, 1, 0, word_mult } ),
    ?assert( char( $d, { 0, 1, 1, 0, word_mult } ) =:= { 0, 2, 1, 0, word_mult } ),
    ?assert( char( $d, { 0, 2, 1, 0, word_mult } ) =:= { 0, 4, 1, 0, word_mult } ),
    ?assert( char( $t, { 0, 2, 1, 0, word_mult } ) =:= { 0, 6, 1, 0, word_mult } ),
    ?assert( char( $\(, { 0, 3, 1, 0, word_mult } ) =:= { 0, 3, 1, 0, normal } ),
    ?assert( char( $a, { 0, 1, 1, 0, normal } ) =:= { 1, 1, 1, 1, normal } ),
    ?assert( char( $b, { 1, 1, 1, 1, normal } ) =:= { 4, 1, 1, 2, normal } ),
    ?assert( char( $*, { 4, 1, 1, 2, normal } ) =:= { 4, 1, 2, 2, normal } ),
    ?assert( char( $*, { 4, 1, 2, 2, normal } ) =:= { 4, 1, 3, 2, normal } ),
    ?assert( char( $^, { 4, 1, 1, 2, normal } ) =:= { 4, 1, 0, 2, normal } ),
    ?assert( char( $*, { 4, 1, 0, 2, normal } ) =:= { 4, 1, 0, 2, normal } )

score_test() -> [
    1 = word_score("A"),
    2 = word_score("A(d)"),
    3 = word_score("A(t)"),
    6 = word_score("A(dt)"),
    6 = word_score("A(td)"),
    12 = word_score("A(ddt)"),
    12 = word_score("A(dtd)"),
    18 = word_score("A(ttd)"),
    4 = word_score("AB"),
    5 = word_score("A*B"),
    6 = word_score("A**B"),
    14 = word_score("SCRABBLE"),
    28 = word_score("SCRABBLE(d)"),
    42 = word_score("SCRABBLE(t)"),
    21 = word_score("F**OX"),
    38 = word_score("F**O*X**"),
    63 = word_score("PROBLEM"),
    77 = word_score("PR*OB**LE*M**"),
    12 = word_score("ZER^O"),
    12 = word_score("ZER*^O"),
    12 = word_score("ZER**^O"),
    12 = word_score("ZER^*O"),
    12 = word_score("ZER^**O"),
    12 = word_score("ZER*^*O"),
    68 = word_score("P**RO*B^LE*M"),

    23 = word_score("QUINTESSENTIAL"),
    11 = word_score("HE*LLO**"),
    69 = word_score("QUINTESSENTIAL(t)"),
    39 = word_score("Q^UINTESSENTIAL(t)"),
    22 = word_score("HE*LLO**(d)"),
    18 = word_score("HE^LLO**(d)"),
    72 = word_score("WORDIER(d)"),

    680 = word_score("Z**Z**Z**Z**Z**Z**Z**(t)"),
    19 = word_score("THISWASFUN")

To run:

% erl
1> c(scrabble).
2> scrabble:test().
  2 tests passed.
wolverineks profile image
Kevin Sullivan • Edited

import { pipe, toUpper } from "ramda";

// CHARACTERS, POINTS, BONUSES //////////////////////////////////////
const A = { char: "A", points: 1 } as const;
const B = { char: "B", points: 3 } as const;
const C = { char: "C", points: 3 } as const;
const D = { char: "D", points: 2 } as const;
const E = { char: "E", points: 1 } as const;
const F = { char: "F", points: 4 } as const;
const G = { char: "G", points: 2 } as const;
const H = { char: "H", points: 4 } as const;
const I = { char: "I", points: 1 } as const;
const J = { char: "J", points: 8 } as const;
const K = { char: "K", points: 5 } as const;
const L = { char: "L", points: 1 } as const;
const M = { char: "M", points: 3 } as const;
const N = { char: "N", points: 1 } as const;
const O = { char: "O", points: 1 } as const;
const P = { char: "P", points: 3 } as const;
const Q = { char: "Q", points: 10 } as const;
const R = { char: "R", points: 1 } as const;
const S = { char: "S", points: 1 } as const;
const T = { char: "T", points: 1 } as const;
const U = { char: "U", points: 1 } as const;
const V = { char: "V", points: 4 } as const;
const W = { char: "W", points: 4 } as const;
const X = { char: "X", points: 8 } as const;
const Y = { char: "Y", points: 4 } as const;
const Z = { char: "Z", points: 10 } as const;
// prettier-ignore
const charMap = {Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P,A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,Z,X,C,V,B,N,M} as const;
const tripleWordBonus = "(T)";
const doubleWordBonus = "(D)";
const tripleLetterBonus = "**";
const doubleLetterBonus = "*";

// TYPES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
type Char = ValueOf<typeof charMap>;
type LetterTile = { type: "LETTER" };
type BlankTile = { type: "BLANK" };
type Square = { letterBonus: 1 | 2 | 3; wordBonus: 1 | 2 | 3 };

type Tile = ((LetterTile) | BlankTile) & Char & Square;

// CONVERT STRING TO TILES //////////////////////////////////////////
const REGEX = /[A-Z](\*|\^|\((T|D)\))*/g; //
const parse = (input: string): Tile[] => {
  const strings: string[] = input.match(REGEX) || [];

const type = (input: string) => (input.includes("^") ? "BLANK" : "LETTER");
const letterAndPoints = (char: Tile["char"]) => charMap[char];
const letterBonus = (input: string) => {
  if (input.includes(tripleLetterBonus)) return 3;
  if (input.includes(doubleLetterBonus)) return 2;
  return 1;
const wordBonus = (input: string) =>
  input.includes(tripleWordBonus) ? 3 : input.includes(doubleWordBonus) ? 2 : 1;
const toTile = (input: string): Tile => {
  const chars = input.split("");
  const [char,] = chars;
  const modifiers = rest.join("");
  return {
    type: type(modifiers),
    letterBonus: letterBonus(modifiers),
    wordBonus: wordBonus(modifiers)

// CALCULATE SCORE //////////////////////////////////////////////////
const letterPoints = (tiles: Tile[]) =>
    (result, { type, char, letterBonus }) =>
      type === "BLANK" ? result : result + charMap[char].points * letterBonus,
const wordBonusMultiplier = (tiles: Tile[]) =>
  tiles.reduce((result, { wordBonus }) => result * wordBonus, 1);
const BINGO = { length: 7, points: 50 };
const bingoPoints = (tiles: Tile[]) =>
  tiles.length === BINGO.length ? BINGO.points : 0;

const scoreTiles = (tiles: Tile[]) =>
  letterPoints(tiles) * wordBonusMultiplier(tiles) + bingoPoints(tiles);

// WHOLE ENCHILADA //////////////////////////////////////////////////
export const getScore = pipe(