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Daily Challenge #39 - Virus

You've just finished writing the last chapter for your novel when a virus suddenly infects your document. It has swapped the 'i's and 'e's in 'ei' words and capitalized random letters. In today's challenge, you will write a function which will:

a) remove the spelling errors in 'ei' words. (Example of 'ei' words: their, caffeine, deceive, weight)

b) only capitalise the first letter of each sentence. Make sure the rest of the sentence is in lower case.

Example: He haD iEght ShOTs of CAffIEne. => He had eight shots of caffeine.

Good luck and Happy Coding~!

This challenge comes from kkavita92 on CodeWars. Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!

Want to propose a challenge for a future post? Email with your suggestions!

Top comments (20)

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro • Edited


const normalize = string => string.toLowerCase()
                                  .replace(/ie/g, "ei")
                                  .split('. ')
                                  .map(val => val[0].toUpperCase() + val.substring(1))
                                  .join('. ');

But this solution has the same problem that La battle mentions in another comment: if a word contains a valid "ie" string, it will be transformed into "ei" incorrectly. I was testing the sentence He haD iEght ShOTs of CAffIEne. thEn hE dIeD and the last "dIeD" was being transformed into "deid". One option could be extending the function to check a dictionary or make a call to an API to verify the word is valid, but that could be a pain too.

Another possible extension would be to split not only by ., but also by other sentence delimiters such as ? or !.

anwar_nairi profile image
Anwar • Edited

Also, if your sentence contains nouns such as He haD iEght ShOTs of CAffIEne in Paris. thEn hE dIeD, you will loose the upper P of Paris.

ynndvn profile image
La blatte • Edited

Well, this solution will work in every case but won't be able to handle the 21775 "ie" words:

antidote=(s)=>s.split`. `.map(b=>{b=b.replace(/ie/gi,'ei');return b[0].toUpperCase()+b.slice(1).toLowerCase()}).join`. `
antidote("He haD iEght ShOTs of CAffIEne. aFter thaT HE WenT tO SleeP.")
// "He had eight shots of caffeine. After that he went to sleep."
alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

I was doing something like this. Then I deid testing.

mangelsnc profile image
Miguel Ángel Sánchez Chordi

There's a known set of rules to avoid handle all the "ie" words:

jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde • Edited


edit: I changed my code to only consider periods at the end of a word so words like nice.gif wouldn't be considered as the end of a sentence.

def antivirus(text):
    str_arr = text.lower().replace('ie', 'ei').split(" ")
    first = True
    for i, s in enumerate(str_arr):
        if first:
            str_arr[i] = s.capitalize()
        first = True if s[-1:] == '.' else False
    return " ".join(str_arr)
hectorpascual profile image
Héctor Pascual

Nice, that way (checking words containing dots) you can check if it is needed to capitalize more than once in the same line, clever!!

jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

I edited my answer so my code would not consider periods in the middle of a word to be the end of a sentence (ie: This file is named nice.gif and it is weird.)

hanachin profile image
Seiei Miyagi

ruby <3

def antivirus(s)
  s |> downcase |> gsub 'ie', 'ei' |> split ?. |> map { @1 |> sub(/\w/) { @1.upcase } } |> join ?.
hanachin profile image
Seiei Miyagi

After a day, I feel def cure is better,

tanguyandreani profile image
Tanguy Andreani

Ohh with all the new syntax from 2.7 ;))

hanachin profile image
Seiei Miyagi

Yes! I love to try new syntax😆 So I use 2.7 in #challenge to promote the goodness of ruby 2.7✨

matrossuch profile image


def proofread(string):
    if string.rstrip()[:-1].count('.') == 0:    return string.lower().replace('ie','ei').capitalize()
    string= '. '.join([i.lower().replace('ie', 'ei').lstrip().capitalize() for i in string.split('.')])
    if string[-1] == ' ':   return string[:-1]
    else:   return string
kvharish profile image

My solution in js

const cleanVirus = (sentence) => sentence.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + sentence.toLowerCase()
                                         .replace(/ie/g, 'ei')
                                         .replace(/[.+]\s\w/g, (str) => `. ${str[str.length -1].toUpperCase()}`)

As others mentioned this solution will change all the proper words with ie to ei and changes the first character of a noun to lowercase.

itsdarrylnorris profile image
Darryl Norris



 * Antivirus
 * @param  string $string
 * @return string
function antivirus(string $string): string
  return implode(".", array_map(function($sentence) {
    $sentence = str_split($sentence);
    foreach ($sentence as $key => $value) {
      if ($key === 0 && $value === ' ') continue;
      else $sentence[$key] = strtoupper($value); break;
    return implode("",$sentence);
  }, explode(".", str_replace('ie', 'ei', strtolower($string)))));

echo antivirus('He haD iEght ShOTs of CAffIEne. aFter thaT HE WenT tO SleeP.');
// Output: He had eight shots of caffeine. After that he went to sleep.

hectorpascual profile image
Héctor Pascual

Python :

import re

def fix_virus(document):
    doc = document.lower().capitalize()
    return re.sub(r'ie','ei',doc)

Python one-liner :

fix_virus = lambda doc : re.sub(r'ie','ei',doc.lower().capitalize())
jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

If it's a document, it will contains multiple sentences and capitalize is only uppercasing the first letter of a string

hectorpascual profile image
Héctor Pascual

Ok then split document by lines and call the function :

document_splitted = document.split('\n')
for line in document_splitted:

Or capitalize each line of the document after lowering :)

Thread Thread
jmplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

Your solution is very good btw. Good job

jay profile image

Rust Solution: Playground

fn solver(sentance: &str) -> String {
        .replace("ie", "ei")
        .map(|(i, word)| {
            if i == 0 {
                let mut ch = word.chars();
                match {
                    None => String::new(),
                    Some(c) => c.to_uppercase().chain(ch).collect(),
            } else {
        .join(" ")