Hope you’re ready for another challenge! Let’s get started with Day 3.
Today’s challenge is modified from user @jayeshcp on CodeWars.
Write a function that returns the number (count) of vowels in a given string. Letters considered as vowels are: a, i, e, o, and u. The function should be able to take all types of characters as input, including lower case letters, upper case letters, symbols, and numbers.
In this challenge, you should be able to efficiently ignore spaces and symbols and discern between capital and lowercase letters. Beginners can start with only lowercase letters and move up from there. It’ll definitely get you ready for tomorrow.
Happy coding!~
Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!
Want to propose a challenge for a future post? Email yo+challenge@dev.to with your suggestions!
Top comments (81)
Demo on CodePen.
Nice solution, mine was similar in using regex match, but not as short. This one will error on a string without any vowels because
will return anull
which doesn't have a length.That's a good point. This could be avoided by checking if the result of the match is null and using an empty string instead. Something like this:
I also used template literals before the
so numeric values or null would be process too... and now the code is even uglier than before :PTypo
Good catch! I corrected it. Thank you for letting me know!
I think this is the best solution if you're ok with regex.
Long Solution (my first solution)
Short Solution (my refactored solution)
It would be interesting to know if
was faster, or if reordering the letters to try to get the most likely match first was better – e.g.str.count("eiaouEIAOU")
Fixed, thanks!
Hi, i loved this solution. Took me a bit to get my head around the use of reduce here and it's awesome. Thanks. I learned something nice today.
Cool., I didn't know we can use spread on a string. 👍🏻
My python solution!
Thinking the string as a Set with O(1) for look up operations: solution is O(n), where n = len(str)
JS lambda way
Why not so simple as this (JS)...
Here is my try at it in JavaScript:
Oh I've been waiting for this one all morning! Decided I wanted to go all out on this on!
Come check it out while I work my way through this challenge! I'm live now and about to get started!
Here is my Rust solution all TDD'ed out!
I'm still live streaming as I type this out, but once I wrap up I'll post a link to the video here!
Ahhh! :panic:
Turns out OBS didn't want to behave for me today, and split my stream into 2 and dies before I finished, but we got almost all of it recorded! Learnings for next stream!
Links to the video that recorded for the longest here
Livestream - Dev.to Challenge Vowel Count in Rust
Corey Alexander ・ Jun 30 ・ 1 min read
JavaScript, using reduce: