For this challenge, you'll be thrown into a Pokemon battle! Calculate the damage that a particular move would do using the following formula:
total damage
= base damage
* (attack
/ defense
) * effectiveness
base damage
= the original power of the attack
= your attack stat
= the opponent's defense stat
= the effectiveness of the attack based on the type matchup
Attacks can be super effective
, neutral
, or not very effective
depending on the matchup.
super effective
: 2x damage -
: 1x damage -
not very effective
: 0.5x damage
To prevent the challenge from being too tedious, you'll only deal with four types: fire, water, grass, and electric. Here are the matchups:
fire > grass fire < water fire = electric water < grass water < electric grass = electric **Any type against itself is not very effective
Overall, the function you implement must take in:
- your type
- the opponent's type
- attack power
- the opponent's defense
... and must output the total damage
of the attack.
What are the total damage
outputs of these attacks?
- "grass", "electric", 57, 19
- "grass", "water", 40, 40
- "grass", "fire", 35, 5
- "fire", "electric", 10, 2
Good luck!
This challenge comes from yaphi1 on CodeWars. Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!
Want to propose a challenge idea for a future post? Email with your suggestions!
Top comments (5)
As there's no mention of the value, I set the base damage to 50 in each scenario.
PHP ::)
Haskell solution. The last argument of the function is the base damage. I'm also changing the function to accept an ADT Type type instead of strings for the Pokémon type.
Pattern matching for the win!
I didn't know what to do with the
thing, so I left it as one.Elixir